Das Programmkino im Prenzlauer Berg.

Kastanienallee 77, Tel. 030 - 44 05 81 79

Termine + Tickets

EXBERLINER presents:

PornBlicks – The EXBlicks X-mas Edition

Narcissism – The Auto-Erotic Images

Thursday, 29 December, 8:30 pm

in presence of director Toni Karat

The most festive of EXBlicks traditions is back for the seventh time!

As per tradition, our EXBlicks series brings the year to a happy ending with one of our favourite porn titles fresh from the Pornfilmfestival Berlin: Toni Karat’s debut feature – winner of the “Best Documentary” Award.

Special price: Porn & Glühwein 9 €

Documentary, D 2022, 90 min, directed by Toni Karat, with Birgit Bosold, Del LaGrace Volcano, Eric Shen, Krista Beinstein, Maja Buhmann, Kristina Marlen, Lexi Dark, Ruben María

Narcissism 02
© Melting Point Images / Toni Karat

A documentary and a photo book about gender, narcissism and self-love.

How do we look into the mirror?
Do we allow ourselves a narcissistic or even covetous view?
And how is it influenced by our gender and socialisation:
Are we able to love ourselves and our reflection?
And why do lesbians often have an especially difficult relationship with narcissism?

In this debut feature documentary, which just won the “Best Documentary” award of the Berlin Pornfilmfestival, Toni Karat invited over 30 border crossers of all kinds to a beautiful untouched attic of 1929, where time has been standing still – in order to explore the intimate view in the mirror, accompanied by photo shoots and interviews about gender, narcissism and self-love.
It turned out that everyone has their own very individual understanding of narcissism – and not only the filmmaker came out of the movie very differently than they went in…

The accompanying photo book with photos and texts of the protagonists will be available after the screening at a special price (20 €).
EXBlicks – A Film & Chat Series
Berlin flicks and the people who made them in a real Kiez Kino.
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