Das Programmkino im Prenzlauer Berg.

Kastanienallee 77, Tel. 030 - 44 05 81 79

Termine + Tickets

Film & Book Special


Jean-Luc Godard:

The Permanent Revolutionary

Screening & Talk

Monday, 28 August, 8:00 pm

film screening followed by a talk with author Bert Rebhandl, moderated by journalist and curator Nadja Vancauwen­berghe


The Image Book – Le livre d’image

Original title: Le livre d’image, Switzerland 2018, 85 min, Director: Jean-Luc Godard, Cinematography: Fabrice Aragno, Editor: Jean-Luc Godard, Fabrice Aragno, Producer: Fabrice Aragno, Mitra Farahani, Score: Editions ECM

Erinnerst du dich noch daran, wie wir vor langer Zeit unsere Gedanken trainiert haben? Meistens gingen wir von einem Traum aus… Wir fragten uns, wie in völliger Dunkelheit Farben von solcher Intensität in uns entstehen konnten. Mit leiser, leiser Stimme, die große Dinge sagt, überraschend, tief und präzise. Bild und Worte. Wie ein schlechter Traum, geschrieben in einer stürmischen Nacht. Unter westlichen Augen. Die verlorenen Paradiese. Der Krieg ist da.

Jean-Luc Godard setzt mit seinem neuesten Film sein sich alle Freiheiten nehmendes Spätwerk fort. Ein rauschhafter Gedankenfluss, eine assoziative Collage in fünf Kapiteln. Die Sehnsucht nach Freiheit. Die Abgründe der Menschheit. Die Schönheit des Kinos. Zeit und Geschichte, gedehnt und verdichtet.

On the occasion of the English release of the book Jean-Luc Godard: The Permanent Revolutionary by Bert Rebhandl, ExBlicks invites you to a special screening of Livre d’image (French OV with English subtitles), Godard’s last full-length feature film.

With this provocative collage film essay, the legendary filmmaker added to his influential, iconoclastic legacy a vast ontological inquiry into the history of the moving image and a commentary on the contemporary world.
Splicing together classic film clips and newsreel footage, often stretched, saturated and distorted almost beyond recognition, “The Image Book” interrogates our relationship with film, culture and global politics.

Displaying an encyclopedic grasp of cinema and its history, Godard pieces together fragments and clips from some of the greatest films of the past, then digitally alters, bleaches, and washes them, all in the service of reflecting on what he sees in front of him and what he makes of the dissonance that surrounds him. While at times he reflects on the metaphysical properties of the world – time, and space, and where meaning is found – more importantly, it is the image, the thing that has obsessed Godard for his entire career, that anchors this film.

But, as always with Godard, the key issues he raises have to do with the legacy of the last century and its horrors: the incomprehension of Hiroshima and Auschwitz, events that coincided with cinema but that have somehow eluded its gaze. And, movingly, “The Image Book” also reflects on orientalism and the Arab world, grounding the new film very much in the present.

Winner of the first Special Palme d’Or to be awarded in the history of the Cannes Film Festival.

The Book

Jean-Luc Godard: The Permanent Revolutionary

Author: Bert Rebhandl

Jean-Luc Godard
Jean-Luc Godard

In this biography, now translated into English for the first time, Bert Rebhandl provides a balanced evaluation of the work of one of the most original and influential film directors of all time: Jean-Luc Godard (1930–2022). In this sympathetic yet critical overview, he argues that Godard’s work captured the revolutionary spirit of Paris in the late 1960s as no other filmmaker has dared, and in fact reinvented the medium.
Rebhandl skillfully weaves together biographical details; information about the cultural, intellectual, and cinematic milieu over the decades; and descriptions of Godard’s most significant films to support his assertion that the director was a permanent revolutionary – always seeking new ways to create, understand, and comment on film within a larger context. He views Godard as an artist consistently true to himself while never ceasing to change and evolve, often in unexpected, radical, and controversial ways.

About the Author:
Bert Rebhandl is a freelance film critic, journalist and writer based in Berlin. He writes for Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, tipBerlin, Der Standard and many others. He is also co-editor of German quarterly film magazine CARGO Film Medien Kultur.

exBlicks – A Monthly Film & Chat Series in English.
Watch German and foreign films and meet the people who make them in a real Kiez Kino!
All screenings with English subtitles, followed by Q&As in English with the filmmakers – and a customary glass of wine after the evening screenings!
The series is curated and hosted by Nadja Vancauwen­berghe.

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