Das Programmkino im Prenzlauer Berg.

Kastanienallee 77, Tel. 030 - 44 05 81 79

Termine + Tickets


Audre Lorde’s 91st Birthday:

Audre Lorde – The Berlin Years 1984 to 1992 (OmeU)

+ Additional Short Documentary:
Witness History – Ika Hügel-Marshall

Tuesday, 18 February, 8:30 pm

Dokumentarfilm, D 2012, 79 min, Regie: Dagmar Schultz, Buch: Ika Hügel-Marshall und Ria Cheatom, Schnitt: Aletta von Vietinghoff

Audre Lorde
© Dagmar Schultz

Audre Lordes prägnante, oft zornige, aber immer brilliante Schriften und Reden haben die US-amerikanischen feministischen, lesbischen und afro-amerikanischen Frauenbewegungen der 1970er und 80er inspiriert. Der Film dokumentiert ein unbekanntes Kapitel von Lordes Leben: Ihr Einfluss auf die deutsche politische und kulturelle Szene während eines Jahrzehnts des grundlegenden sozialen Wandels.

Der Film erkundet die Bedeutung von Lordes Erbe, die Afro-Deutsche ermutigte, sich selbst innerhalb einer Kultur sichtbar zu machen, in der sie bisher isoliert und ohne Stimme waren.

Prolific black, lesbian writer Audre Lorde called Berlin home from 1984 to 1992. Find out how the city informed the radical feminist’s life in Dagmar Schultz’s fascinating documentary.

The film focuses on Audre Lorde’s relation to the German Black Diaspora, her literary as well as political influence, and is a unique visual document about the times the author spent in Germany. The film is also for coming generations a valuable historical document of German history, which tells about the development of an Afro-German movement and the origins of the anti-racist movement before and after the German reunification. The film relates the beginnings of these political debates and therefore facilitates a historical analysis and an understanding of present debates on identity and racism in Germany.

For the first time, Dagmar Schultz’s archival video and audio recordings and footage will be made available to a wide public. The film represents an important addition to the documentary “A Litany for Survival: The Life and Work of Audre Lorde” by Ada Gray Griffin and Michelle Parkerson which was screened at the 45th Berlin Film Festival in 1995.

Additional Short Documentary:

Witness History: Ika Hügel-Marshall

UK 2020, 5 min, Producer: Mike Lanchin, Camera: Marion Schütt, © 2023 BBC World Service

Ika Hügel-Marshall
© Ika Hügel-Marshall
Ika as a young girl
(courtesy of Ika Hügel-Marshall)

We honour the legacy of activist, writer and artist Ika Hügel-Marshall and screen exclusively this short documentary.
Ika Hügel-Marshall recalls the painful struggle to discover her own identity as a result of the racism she experienced growing up black in post-war Germany.

Film courtesy of BBC World Service – Witness History

Website Ika Hügel-Marshall:


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