Das Programmkino im Prenzlauer Berg.

Kastanienallee 77, Tel. 030 - 44 05 81 79

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Film & Discussion


Sleep with Your Eyes Open (OmeU)

Wednesday, 22 January, 8:15 pm

Q&A with director Nele Wohlatz, moderated by journalist Nadja Van­cau­wen­berghe

Brazil/Argentina/Taiwan/Germany 2024, 97 min, screenplay & director: Nele Wohlatz, cast: Chen Xiao Xin, Wang Shin-Hong, Liao Kai Ro, Nahuel Pérez Biscayart, Lu Yang Zong

Sleep With Your Eyes Open – © Grandfilm / Victor Juca
© Grandfilm / Victor Juca

Eine Küstenmetropole in Brasilien. Kai landet mit gebrochenem Herzen aus Taiwan, um Ferien zu machen. Eine kaputte Klimaanlage führt sie in das Regenschirmgeschäft von Fu Ang. Er könnte ein Freund werden, doch die Regenzeit bleibt aus und sein Geschäft verschwindet. Auf der Suche nach Fu Ang entdeckt Kai die Geschichte von Xiaoxin und einer Gruppe chinesischer Arbeiter in einem noblen Wolkenkratzer. Importprodukte made in China treffen auf Probleme mit den reichen, weißen Nachbarn. In Xiaoxins Erzählung findet Kai sich merkwürdig gespiegelt.

Hauptfiguren kommen und gehen unverhofft in dieser leisen Komödie der Missverständnisse, dargestellt durch Laien und Schauspieler:innen. Von einer fremden Stadt in die nächste folgen sie mehr den Notwendigkeiten der Arbeit als einer klassischen Dramaturgie. Aber im Laufe eines heißen, langsamen Sommers wachsen zarte Bindungen zwischen ihnen wie Inseln in einem Meer voller Haie.

A coastal city in Brazil. Kai arrives on holiday from Taiwan with a broken heart. A malfunctioning air conditioner leads her to end up in Fu Ang’s umbrella shop. He could become a friend, but then the rainy season fails to arrive and the shop closes. While searching for Fu Ang, Kai comes across Xiao Xin and a group of Chinese workers in a fancy high-rise building. Kai finds herself strangely mirrored in Xiao Xin’s story.

This quiet comedy of misunderstandings does not follow a traditional dramaturgy. The protagonists, performed by an ensemble of first-time actors and professionals, come and go unexpectedly. From one unknown city to the next, they follow the demands of their work. But over the course of a hot, slow summer, delicate bonds grow between them like islands in a sea full of sharks.

The film premiered in 2024 at the Berlinale in the Section Encounters and was awarded with the International Film Critics (FIPRESCI) Prize.

Nele Wohlatz – Regisseurin »Sleep with Your Eyes Open«

Filmmaker Nele Wohlatz was born in Germany in 1982 and studied scenography and philosophy at the University of Applied Arts in Karlsruhe and film at the Universidad Torcuato Di Tella in Buenos Aires, where she lived for 12 years. Her films have screened at festivals including Locarno, Rotterdam, the Viennale, Mar del Plata International Film Festival and at institutions including the Lincoln Center and MoMA in New York. Her debut feature film “The Future Perfect” won multiple awards and was selected by over 70 international film festivals.

exBlicks – A Monthly Film & Chat Series in English.
Watch German and foreign films and meet our special guests in a real Kiez Kino!
All screenings are with English subtitles and followed by a lively conversation with the audi­ence – and a customary glass of wine in the foyer!
The series is curated and hosted by Nadja Vancauwen­berghe.

Logo exBlicks 2024
Q&A with director Nele Wohlatz, moderated by journalist Nadja Van­cau­wen­berghe

Fr 24.01.

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Fr 07.02.

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